
Investing in Our Future

萨克拉门托-圣华金三角洲与加州其他任何地方都不一样. 同时也是心脏的心脏 国家的供水系统, 河口是超过35种濒危本土动植物的家园, 数十个历史悠久的社区和数十万英亩的农田. The fertile peat soil of its islands produces an estimated $965 million in agricultural crops annually and its ecosystem supports the commercial salmon industry on the West Coast. 三角洲同时也是全州水利基础设施的重要一环, 一个重要但脆弱的生态系统, 是我们经济的引擎,也是500人的家园,000 people. It’s also a region that has witnessed major land-use and landscape changes over the past centuries.

The Delta was once a vast marshland covered with tules and teaming with wildlife. In the mid-1800s, settlers built levees to drain and reclaim the land and today about 95% of the original wetlands and floodplains are gone. In this highly altered environment, non-native species have thrived, over-running native species. Striped bass, 亚洲蛤和许多其他入侵者, large and small, 吃的要么是当地居民,要么是他们赖以为生的食物.

Recognizing the importance of stabilizing the Delta and securing our water future, 大都会购买了一些 Delta islands in 2016. 使我们对国家和地区水资源的承诺更加透明, 大都会董事会正式通过了一项更新的 《湾三角洲政策纲要 in October 2022. As a responsible landowner and conscientious neighbor invested in environmental stewardship, 我们致力于以科学为基础的流域管理, multi-benefit environmental initiatives and community-based partnerships with local stakeholders on these islands and throughout the region.


The Metropolitan Water District of Southern California will host the first public meeting for two farming and habitat restoration projects on the central Delta islands of Webb Tract on Wednesday, July 10 at 11 a.m. in Oakley. These projects, proposed by Metropolitan and funded by the 萨克拉门托-圣华金三角洲 Conservancy, 将改变韦伯小道.

Malinda Stalvey, Metropolitan project manager, will present an overview of the two projects. 其他主持人将讨论农业机会, 湿地初步规划, 潜在的生态文化价值, 而科学监测大约为5,500-acre island located between Bradford Island and Frank’s Tract in the central Delta. 时间将留给提问和回答.


Join us in person at the Big Break Visitor Center in Oakley or participate via Zoom. 会议预计将持续一个小时,但可能会延长到下午12:30.m. 如果需要额外的时间回答所有问题. 

Big Break Visitor Center
69 Big Break Road
Oakley, California 94561

会议编号:933 2944 6462

大都会海湾三角洲保单 & Objectives

大都会海湾三角洲保单的图示 & Objectives, 包括气候适应能力,  Water Supply Reliability,  科学流域管理, Regional Cooperation & 伙伴关系和具有成本效益的投资.

Delta Islands

适应的实验室 & Sustainability

三角洲面临着许多挑战, 大都会致力于寻找可行的方法, cooperative solutions. 都市区拥有的三角洲韦伯土地, Bacon Island, Bouldin Island and Holland Tract – enable us to explore cooperative approaches to improve the declining ecosystem and promote water reliability. 与我们董事会通过的一致 粤港澳政策框架, we contribute to research and science-based watershed management that improves water quality and reliability, restores native habitat in support of protected and endangered species and promotes sustainable agricultural practices. 我们也在研究气候变化的风险, 管理泥炭土以减少碳排放和加固堤坝.

我们正在与州和联邦机构合作, technical experts, academia and environmental organizations to develop and participate in the studies and projects highlighted below.

Delta Islands
